Import system

Transparent replacements

When requre is installed. It allows call python code with environment variables what set requre replacements system and storage file.

    Storage file path for session recording. In case file does not exists, it will use write mode In case file exists, it will use read mode for Storage
    Replacement file path for import system. It is important to have there set variable FILTERS what will be used as replacements list for upgrade_import_system function. For more information what FILTERS variable should contain is described in Filter format.
    Overrides default value of variable in REPLACEMENT_FILE what will be used as replacement variable.
    if set, print debugging information, fi requre is applied
    Apply latency waits for test, to have similar test timing It is important when using some async/messaging calls

Requested replacements

This is an explicit way of how to use requre in your project. The best way how to use it in your integration tests. You have full control of PersistentStorage and you have store whatever you want.

Using decorators is the best option. like (@replace(what="math.sin", decorate=Simple.plain()))

Paste requre import update code as in your eg. pytest tests.